Curriculum Intent Statement

Our Mission Statement is at the heart of our curriculum intent statement:

“Unlocking potential with the keys of love, respect and friendship.”

Following our mission statement, we are a small, friendly Catholic school with a child-centred approach. We work closely with family, friends, outside agencies and enrichment providers. We want our children to believe they can be whatever they want to be and achieve whatever they set out to achieve. It is our intent that children will develop a love of learning through exciting, challenging and stimulating experiences, enriched by visits and visitors linked closely to the topic we are studying. Developing the whole child is extremely important to us all within our school. Our children will learn to love one another and embrace the differences in modern society.

We aim to nurture children who can plan for tasks independently and reflect upon their success. Pupils who can engage and talk about their learning with peers with relative independence and in an environment where nobody is afraid to make a mistake but where they can fully engage with feedback and use it to improve future learning.

It is our intention to provide a curriculum which is both ambitious and that provides our children, particularly disadvantaged and SEND, with the knowledge, experiences and cultural capital they need to succeed in life and through differentiated appropriate activities that will progress and enhance children’s learning. Every child will represent the school at a sporting event at least once during the school year and children will be taught the importance of keeping healthy and eating healthily. We aim to take learning outside the classroom at every opportunity so that children can utilise a range of independent and group learning activities in our forest school area and local Rossendale environment.

St Peter’s will provide a curriculum where knowledge is cumulative and prior learning is built upon in a sequence that ensures sufficient knowledge and skills are gained for future life. We will provide a variety of relevant experiences for our children both inside and outside the classroom and our visitors will be people who our children may one day aspire to be. Where possible we will use our close links with the community to provide learning opportunities which will engage and enthuse our learners whilst being relevant to the topic. We would like our children to leave school having been exposed to a variety of learning experiences, visits and visitors, which might give them an idea of a future career they could one day pursue. We will use our close links with All Saints’ Catholic High School who will provide learning experiences on their site so that children can use specialist resources and teaching that is on offer there.

We will teach children the importance of looking after one another through pairing older and younger pupils as buddies, and looking after the community as part of our commitment to Catholic Social Teaching.

A love of reading will be a central focus. From children’s first day at school, there will be a sharp focus on ensuring that they gain the phonics knowledge and language comprehension necessary to read, and the skills to communicate, as we feel these are the foundations for future learning to take place. There will also be a consistent focus throughout school on topic related vocabulary so that children can develop this and use it in their own speech and future writing.

We aim to create a culture of challenge, where children have the opportunity to push themselves through problem solving, challenging questioning and reasoning activities across the curriculum. This curriculum will contain a broad range of subjects covering the National Curriculum Programmes of Study throughout school.

In summary, we want every one of our children to leave school with a range of skills and knowledge that will equip them for life in modern day Britain. They will have been exposed to a range of learning experiences, met aspirational people and visited places which will inspire them and give them an idea as to the direction they want their life to take. With our Catholic Faith at the heart of all we do, children will have grown spiritually and morally and through a nurtured self-awareness, they will have become the best they can possibly be.






For more information on individual classes please click the links below: 

The curriculum of the school is based upon the New National Curriculum (2014) in conjunction with our RE scheme Come and See'. We ensure our curriculum is broad and balanced as we know that engagement and variety are the key to successful learning. It consists of the core subjects – RE, English, Mathematics and Science – and foundation subjects – History, Geography, Design Technology Computing, Music, Art, and Physical Education. As part of 'Come and See' we teach one week per term about other faiths which include Judaism, Islam and Hinduism. We are committed to ensuring that we prepare our children for life in modern Britain and part of this is achieved through our stimulating and thought-provoking curriculum.

Outdoor learning is a particular feature of our school which we are very proud of! We are blessed to be located in a stunning and inspirational environment and we strive to capitalise on this for the benefit of our children whenever possible; whether this be by facilitating team building games on our field or encouraging children to write a prayer whilst looking at the breath-taking landscape. In the summer of 2014 we successfully secured a grant of £10k from the National Lottery 'Awards for All' which was spent on our woodland area. This area is now ideal for weekly Forest Schools sessions as it is equipped with den building equipment, a swing, a large wooden shelter, sunken fire pit, log seating and an enormous storytelling chair! The children are so enthused by this development and through our carefully planned curriculum they have the opportunity to develop their learning in such a motivational setting.

In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), a cross-curricular thematic approach is used to ensure that children gain vital skills in English and Mathematics, together with knowledge of the world around them including technologies and modern Britain. The curriculum is delivered through highly motivating indoor and outdoor learning activities.

As this is a Catholic school, Religious Education is central to all subjects and to all aspects of our daily lives. The curriculum is designed so that each child is able to work at their own level in each subject according to their developmental stage.

At St. Peter’s we aim to get the best for and from each individual child in all learning experiences. Through the curriculum we try to nurture the spiritual, moral, academic, pastoral, social, physical and aesthetic development of every child so that each may reach his or her full potential.

Over the last 2 years we have introduced a more thematic whole school approach to the curriculum by planning topics as a staff right from Reception to Year 6. These have included...'Heroes and Villains, ‘Blast off into space’…’Festivals’, ‘Authors’ and ‘Changes’ The children have responded with real enthusiasm to these topics and each one has included a ‘Wow’ experience such as a cinema trip, a planetarium in school or a famous poet workshop day.

Curriculum information is shared with parents through our website – each class has their topic web on their page, as well as the topic web being sent home. We strive to support parents in their role as the first educator of their children through the sharing of teaching and learning strategies.


Curriculum Maps

Cycle A

(Last Cycle - 2021/22)
(Next Cycle - 2025/26)

Cycle B

(Last Cycle - 2022/23)
(Next Cycle - 2026/27)

Cycle C

(Last Cycle - 2023/24)
(Next Cycle - 2027/28)

Cycle D

(Current - 2024/25)

Useful Documents

Topic Grids



Class 1(2021/22)

Class 2(2021/22)

Class 3(2021/22)

Class 4(2021/22)

Class 5(2021/22)


Heroes & Villains

Class 1(2022/23)

Class 2(2022/23)

Class 3(2022/23)

Class 4(2022/23)

Class 5(2022/23)



Houses & Homes

Class 1(2023/24)

Class 2(2023/24)

Class 3 - Year 2(2023/24)

Class 3 - Year 3(2023/24)

Class 4 - Year 4(2023/24)

Class 4 - Year 5(2023/24)

Class 5(2023/24)

(Current - 2024/25)


Here I Am

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3 - Year 2

Class 3 - Year 3

Class 4

Class 5





Let's Explore!

Class 1(2021/22)

Class 2(2021/22)

Class 3(2021/22)

Class 4(2021/22)

Class 5(2021/22)

God's Wonderful World

Class 1(2022/23)

Class 2(2022/23)

Class 3(2022/23)

Class 4 - Year 4(2022/23)

Class 4 - Year 5(2022/23)

Class 5(2022/23)

Food Glorious Food

Class 1(2023/24)

Class 2(2023/24)

Class 3 - Year 2(2023/24)

Class 3 - Year 3(2023/24)

Class 3 - Year 4(2023/24)

Class 4 - Year 4(2023/24)

Class 4 - Year 5(2023/24)

Class 5(2023/24)

Cracking Contraptions & Inventions

Class 1

Class 2 

Class 3 

Class 4 

Class 5






Class 1(2021/22)

Class 2(2021/22)

Class 3(2021/22)

Class 4(2021/22)

Class 5(2021/22)

People Past & Present

Class 1(2022/23)

Class 2(2022/23)

Class 3(2022/23)

Class 4 - Year 4(2022/23)

Class 4 - Year 5(2022/23)

Class 5(2022/23)

Games & Sports

Class 1(2023/24)

Class 2(2023/24)

Class 3 - Year 2(2023/24)

Class 3 - Year 3(2023/24)

Class 3 - Year 4(2023/24)

Class 4 - Year 4(2023/24)

Class 4 - Year 5(2023/24)

Class 5(2023/24)

Let's go on Safari

Class 1(2020/21)

Class 2(2020/21)

Class 3(2020/21)

Class 4(2020/21)

Class 5(2020/21)



Curriculum Intent Statement

Our Mission Statement is at the heart of our curriculum intent statement:

“Unlocking potential with the keys of love, respect and friendship.”

Following our mission statement, we are a small, friendly Catholic school with a child-centred approach. We work closely with family, friends, outside agencies and enrichment providers. We want our children to believe they can be whatever they want to be and achieve whatever they set out to achieve. It is our intent that children will develop a love of learning through exciting, challenging and stimulating experiences, enriched by visits and visitors linked closely to the topic we are studying. Developing the whole child is extremely important to us all within our school. Our children will learn to love one another and embrace the differences in modern society.

We aim to nurture children who can plan for tasks independently and reflect upon their success. Pupils who can engage and talk about their learning with peers with relative independence and in an environment where nobody is afraid to make a mistake but where they can fully engage with feedback and use it to improve future learning.

It is our intention to provide a curriculum which is both ambitious and that provides our children, particularly disadvantaged and SEND, with the knowledge, experiences and cultural capital they need to succeed in life and through differentiated appropriate activities that will progress and enhance children’s learning. Every child will represent the school at a sporting event at least once during the school year and children will be taught the importance of keeping healthy and eating healthily. We aim to take learning outside the classroom at every opportunity so that children can utilise a range of independent and group learning activities in our forest school area and local Rossendale environment.

St Peter’s will provide a curriculum where knowledge is cumulative and prior learning is built upon in a sequence that ensures sufficient knowledge and skills are gained for future life. We will provide a variety of relevant experiences for our children both inside and outside the classroom and our visitors will be people who our children may one day aspire to be. Where possible we will use our close links with the community to provide learning opportunities which will engage and enthuse our learners whilst being relevant to the topic. We would like our children to leave school having been exposed to a variety of learning experiences, visits and visitors, which might give them an idea of a future career they could one day pursue. We will use our close links with All Saints’ Catholic High School who will provide learning experiences on their site so that children can use specialist resources and teaching that is on offer there.

We will teach children the importance of looking after one another through pairing older and younger pupils as buddies, and looking after the community as part of our commitment to Catholic Social Teaching.

A love of reading will be a central focus. From children’s first day at school, there will be a sharp focus on ensuring that they gain the phonics knowledge and language comprehension necessary to read, and the skills to communicate, as we feel these are the foundations for future learning to take place. There will also be a consistent focus throughout school on topic related vocabulary so that children can develop this and use it in their own speech and future writing.

We aim to create a culture of challenge, where children have the opportunity to push themselves through problem solving, challenging questioning and reasoning activities across the curriculum. This curriculum will contain a broad range of subjects covering the National Curriculum Programmes of Study throughout school.

In summary, we want every one of our children to leave school with a range of skills and knowledge that will equip them for life in modern day Britain. They will have been exposed to a range of learning experiences, met aspirational people and visited places which will inspire them and give them an idea as to the direction they want their life to take. With our Catholic Faith at the heart of all we do, children will have grown spiritually and morally and through a nurtured self-awareness, they will have become the best they can possibly be.






For more information on individual classes please click the links below: 

The curriculum of the school is based upon the New National Curriculum (2014) in conjunction with our RE scheme Come and See'. We ensure our curriculum is broad and balanced as we know that engagement and variety are the key to successful learning. It consists of the core subjects – RE, English, Mathematics and Science – and foundation subjects – History, Geography, Design Technology Computing, Music, Art, and Physical Education. As part of 'Come and See' we teach one week per term about other faiths which include Judaism, Islam and Hinduism. We are committed to ensuring that we prepare our children for life in modern Britain and part of this is achieved through our stimulating and thought-provoking curriculum.

Outdoor learning is a particular feature of our school which we are very proud of! We are blessed to be located in a stunning and inspirational environment and we strive to capitalise on this for the benefit of our children whenever possible; whether this be by facilitating team building games on our field or encouraging children to write a prayer whilst looking at the breath-taking landscape. In the summer of 2014 we successfully secured a grant of £10k from the National Lottery 'Awards for All' which was spent on our woodland area. This area is now ideal for weekly Forest Schools sessions as it is equipped with den building equipment, a swing, a large wooden shelter, sunken fire pit, log seating and an enormous storytelling chair! The children are so enthused by this development and through our carefully planned curriculum they have the opportunity to develop their learning in such a motivational setting.

In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), a cross-curricular thematic approach is used to ensure that children gain vital skills in English and Mathematics, together with knowledge of the world around them including technologies and modern Britain. The curriculum is delivered through highly motivating indoor and outdoor learning activities.

As this is a Catholic school, Religious Education is central to all subjects and to all aspects of our daily lives. The curriculum is designed so that each child is able to work at their own level in each subject according to their developmental stage.

At St. Peter’s we aim to get the best for and from each individual child in all learning experiences. Through the curriculum we try to nurture the spiritual, moral, academic, pastoral, social, physical and aesthetic development of every child so that each may reach his or her full potential.

Over the last 2 years we have introduced a more thematic whole school approach to the curriculum by planning topics as a staff right from Reception to Year 6. These have included...'Heroes and Villains, ‘Blast off into space’…’Festivals’, ‘Authors’ and ‘Changes’ The children have responded with real enthusiasm to these topics and each one has included a ‘Wow’ experience such as a cinema trip, a planetarium in school or a famous poet workshop day.

Curriculum information is shared with parents through our website – each class has their topic web on their page, as well as the topic web being sent home. We strive to support parents in their role as the first educator of their children through the sharing of teaching and learning strategies.


Curriculum Maps

Cycle A

(Last Cycle - 2021/22)
(Next Cycle - 2025/26)

Cycle B

(Last Cycle - 2022/23)
(Next Cycle - 2026/27)

Cycle C

(Last Cycle - 2023/24)
(Next Cycle - 2027/28)

Cycle D

(Current - 2024/25)

Useful Documents

Topic Grids



Class 1(2021/22)

Class 2(2021/22)

Class 3(2021/22)

Class 4(2021/22)

Class 5(2021/22)


Heroes & Villains

Class 1(2022/23)

Class 2(2022/23)

Class 3(2022/23)

Class 4(2022/23)

Class 5(2022/23)



Houses & Homes

Class 1(2023/24)

Class 2(2023/24)

Class 3 - Year 2(2023/24)

Class 3 - Year 3(2023/24)

Class 4 - Year 4(2023/24)

Class 4 - Year 5(2023/24)

Class 5(2023/24)

(Current - 2024/25)


Here I Am

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3 - Year 2

Class 3 - Year 3

Class 4

Class 5





Let's Explore!

Class 1(2021/22)

Class 2(2021/22)

Class 3(2021/22)

Class 4(2021/22)

Class 5(2021/22)

God's Wonderful World

Class 1(2022/23)

Class 2(2022/23)

Class 3(2022/23)

Class 4 - Year 4(2022/23)

Class 4 - Year 5(2022/23)

Class 5(2022/23)

Food Glorious Food

Class 1(2023/24)

Class 2(2023/24)

Class 3 - Year 2(2023/24)

Class 3 - Year 3(2023/24)

Class 3 - Year 4(2023/24)

Class 4 - Year 4(2023/24)

Class 4 - Year 5(2023/24)

Class 5(2023/24)

Cracking Contraptions & Inventions

Class 1

Class 2 

Class 3 

Class 4 

Class 5






Class 1(2021/22)

Class 2(2021/22)

Class 3(2021/22)

Class 4(2021/22)

Class 5(2021/22)

People Past & Present

Class 1(2022/23)

Class 2(2022/23)

Class 3(2022/23)

Class 4 - Year 4(2022/23)

Class 4 - Year 5(2022/23)

Class 5(2022/23)

Games & Sports

Class 1(2023/24)

Class 2(2023/24)

Class 3 - Year 2(2023/24)

Class 3 - Year 3(2023/24)

Class 3 - Year 4(2023/24)

Class 4 - Year 4(2023/24)

Class 4 - Year 5(2023/24)

Class 5(2023/24)

Let's go on Safari

Class 1(2020/21)

Class 2(2020/21)

Class 3(2020/21)

Class 4(2020/21)

Class 5(2020/21)



Curriculum Intent Statement

Our Mission Statement is at the heart of our curriculum intent statement:

“Unlocking potential with the keys of love, respect and friendship.”

Following our mission statement, we are a small, friendly Catholic school with a child-centred approach. We work closely with family, friends, outside agencies and enrichment providers. We want our children to believe they can be whatever they want to be and achieve whatever they set out to achieve. It is our intent that children will develop a love of learning through exciting, challenging and stimulating experiences, enriched by visits and visitors linked closely to the topic we are studying. Developing the whole child is extremely important to us all within our school. Our children will learn to love one another and embrace the differences in modern society.

We aim to nurture children who can plan for tasks independently and reflect upon their success. Pupils who can engage and talk about their learning with peers with relative independence and in an environment where nobody is afraid to make a mistake but where they can fully engage with feedback and use it to improve future learning.

It is our intention to provide a curriculum which is both ambitious and that provides our children, particularly disadvantaged and SEND, with the knowledge, experiences and cultural capital they need to succeed in life and through differentiated appropriate activities that will progress and enhance children’s learning. Every child will represent the school at a sporting event at least once during the school year and children will be taught the importance of keeping healthy and eating healthily. We aim to take learning outside the classroom at every opportunity so that children can utilise a range of independent and group learning activities in our forest school area and local Rossendale environment.

St Peter’s will provide a curriculum where knowledge is cumulative and prior learning is built upon in a sequence that ensures sufficient knowledge and skills are gained for future life. We will provide a variety of relevant experiences for our children both inside and outside the classroom and our visitors will be people who our children may one day aspire to be. Where possible we will use our close links with the community to provide learning opportunities which will engage and enthuse our learners whilst being relevant to the topic. We would like our children to leave school having been exposed to a variety of learning experiences, visits and visitors, which might give them an idea of a future career they could one day pursue. We will use our close links with All Saints’ Catholic High School who will provide learning experiences on their site so that children can use specialist resources and teaching that is on offer there.

We will teach children the importance of looking after one another through pairing older and younger pupils as buddies, and looking after the community as part of our commitment to Catholic Social Teaching.

A love of reading will be a central focus. From children’s first day at school, there will be a sharp focus on ensuring that they gain the phonics knowledge and language comprehension necessary to read, and the skills to communicate, as we feel these are the foundations for future learning to take place. There will also be a consistent focus throughout school on topic related vocabulary so that children can develop this and use it in their own speech and future writing.

We aim to create a culture of challenge, where children have the opportunity to push themselves through problem solving, challenging questioning and reasoning activities across the curriculum. This curriculum will contain a broad range of subjects covering the National Curriculum Programmes of Study throughout school.

In summary, we want every one of our children to leave school with a range of skills and knowledge that will equip them for life in modern day Britain. They will have been exposed to a range of learning experiences, met aspirational people and visited places which will inspire them and give them an idea as to the direction they want their life to take. With our Catholic Faith at the heart of all we do, children will have grown spiritually and morally and through a nurtured self-awareness, they will have become the best they can possibly be.






For more information on individual classes please click the links below: 

The curriculum of the school is based upon the New National Curriculum (2014) in conjunction with our RE scheme Come and See'. We ensure our curriculum is broad and balanced as we know that engagement and variety are the key to successful learning. It consists of the core subjects – RE, English, Mathematics and Science – and foundation subjects – History, Geography, Design Technology Computing, Music, Art, and Physical Education. As part of 'Come and See' we teach one week per term about other faiths which include Judaism, Islam and Hinduism. We are committed to ensuring that we prepare our children for life in modern Britain and part of this is achieved through our stimulating and thought-provoking curriculum.

Outdoor learning is a particular feature of our school which we are very proud of! We are blessed to be located in a stunning and inspirational environment and we strive to capitalise on this for the benefit of our children whenever possible; whether this be by facilitating team building games on our field or encouraging children to write a prayer whilst looking at the breath-taking landscape. In the summer of 2014 we successfully secured a grant of £10k from the National Lottery 'Awards for All' which was spent on our woodland area. This area is now ideal for weekly Forest Schools sessions as it is equipped with den building equipment, a swing, a large wooden shelter, sunken fire pit, log seating and an enormous storytelling chair! The children are so enthused by this development and through our carefully planned curriculum they have the opportunity to develop their learning in such a motivational setting.

In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), a cross-curricular thematic approach is used to ensure that children gain vital skills in English and Mathematics, together with knowledge of the world around them including technologies and modern Britain. The curriculum is delivered through highly motivating indoor and outdoor learning activities.

As this is a Catholic school, Religious Education is central to all subjects and to all aspects of our daily lives. The curriculum is designed so that each child is able to work at their own level in each subject according to their developmental stage.

At St. Peter’s we aim to get the best for and from each individual child in all learning experiences. Through the curriculum we try to nurture the spiritual, moral, academic, pastoral, social, physical and aesthetic development of every child so that each may reach his or her full potential.

Over the last 2 years we have introduced a more thematic whole school approach to the curriculum by planning topics as a staff right from Reception to Year 6. These have included...'Heroes and Villains, ‘Blast off into space’…’Festivals’, ‘Authors’ and ‘Changes’ The children have responded with real enthusiasm to these topics and each one has included a ‘Wow’ experience such as a cinema trip, a planetarium in school or a famous poet workshop day.

Curriculum information is shared with parents through our website – each class has their topic web on their page, as well as the topic web being sent home. We strive to support parents in their role as the first educator of their children through the sharing of teaching and learning strategies.


Curriculum Maps

Cycle A

(Last Cycle - 2021/22)
(Next Cycle - 2025/26)

Cycle B

(Last Cycle - 2022/23)
(Next Cycle - 2026/27)

Cycle C

(Last Cycle - 2023/24)
(Next Cycle - 2027/28)

Cycle D

(Current - 2024/25)

Useful Documents

Topic Grids



Class 1(2021/22)

Class 2(2021/22)

Class 3(2021/22)

Class 4(2021/22)

Class 5(2021/22)


Heroes & Villains

Class 1(2022/23)

Class 2(2022/23)

Class 3(2022/23)

Class 4(2022/23)

Class 5(2022/23)



Houses & Homes

Class 1(2023/24)

Class 2(2023/24)

Class 3 - Year 2(2023/24)

Class 3 - Year 3(2023/24)

Class 4 - Year 4(2023/24)

Class 4 - Year 5(2023/24)

Class 5(2023/24)

(Current - 2024/25)


Here I Am

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3 - Year 2

Class 3 - Year 3

Class 4

Class 5





Let's Explore!

Class 1(2021/22)

Class 2(2021/22)

Class 3(2021/22)

Class 4(2021/22)

Class 5(2021/22)

God's Wonderful World

Class 1(2022/23)

Class 2(2022/23)

Class 3(2022/23)

Class 4 - Year 4(2022/23)

Class 4 - Year 5(2022/23)

Class 5(2022/23)

Food Glorious Food

Class 1(2023/24)

Class 2(2023/24)

Class 3 - Year 2(2023/24)

Class 3 - Year 3(2023/24)

Class 3 - Year 4(2023/24)

Class 4 - Year 4(2023/24)

Class 4 - Year 5(2023/24)

Class 5(2023/24)

Cracking Contraptions & Inventions

Class 1

Class 2 

Class 3 

Class 4 

Class 5






Class 1(2021/22)

Class 2(2021/22)

Class 3(2021/22)

Class 4(2021/22)

Class 5(2021/22)

People Past & Present

Class 1(2022/23)

Class 2(2022/23)

Class 3(2022/23)

Class 4 - Year 4(2022/23)

Class 4 - Year 5(2022/23)

Class 5(2022/23)

Games & Sports

Class 1(2023/24)

Class 2(2023/24)

Class 3 - Year 2(2023/24)

Class 3 - Year 3(2023/24)

Class 3 - Year 4(2023/24)

Class 4 - Year 4(2023/24)

Class 4 - Year 5(2023/24)

Class 5(2023/24)

Let's go on Safari

Class 1(2020/21)

Class 2(2020/21)

Class 3(2020/21)

Class 4(2020/21)

Class 5(2020/21)

