Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education. Every child in St. Peter's RC Primary School is taught high-quality PSHE.
Our PSHE education programme is planned to equip pupils with a sound understanding of risk and with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions. However, we tailor our lessons to reflect the needs of our pupils, 
We use PSHE education to build, where appropriate, on the statutory content already outlined in the national curriculum, the basic school curriculum and in statutory guidance on: drug education, financial education, sex and relationship education (SRE) and the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle.
Relationships and sex education:
Relationships and sex education (RSE) is an important part of PSHE education. Relationships education is compulsory for all primary school pupils. See our RSHE curriculum page for more information on this.

PSHE Statement of Intent

In line with the 2020 statutory guidance for PSHE education, our aim is to provide a high-quality PSHE programme, which equips our pupils with the knowledge, understanding, skills and strategies required to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. Our curriculum intends to develop the whole child through carefully planned and resourced lessons that foster pupils’ knowledge and skills necessary to grow personally and socially, to protect and enhance their wellbeing, to stay safe and healthy, build and maintain successful relationships and become active citizens, who are able to responsibly contribute to our diverse society.
• We intend to build and implement a PSHE curriculum at St. Peter’s Primary School which is broad, balanced and includes appropriate and relevant subject knowledge for the child. The PSHE curriculum is driven by the three main strands as directed by the PSHE Association; health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world.
• PSHE is taught in every year group and within every class. Teachers recognise that PSHE education is embedded both in discrete PSHE and RSE lessons, and is also an integral part of daily school life.
• Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) must be taught as a statutory subject (National Curriculum, 2014), and will be led by the teachings of the Diocese and delivered through the ‘Ten Ten: Life to the Full’ scheme of work.
• The PSHE subject leader has designed a spiral curriculum whereby key concepts and skills are revisited to achieve new objectives set. Children are encouraged to make links between knowledge learned in the previous academic year and newly acquired learning. Objectives are taught sequentially and systematically, at an appropriate pace and level for every child to access.
• Children will be given the opportunities to explore a range of values, attitudes, rights and responsibilities whilst ensuring that they develop strong moral values centred around the Catholic Faith.
• Children will be given the opportunities to explore a range of values, attitudes, rights and responsibilities whilst ensuring that they develop strong more values centred around the Catholic Faith.
• Children will be supported to ensure they can recognise and manage their emotions, allowing for good mental health in addition to their individual spiritual, more, cultural and physical development.
• Throughout PSHE lessons, children will be empowered to have high aspirations, and develop confidence in their own abilities. They will be taught to understand the world around them and prepare for opportunities and experiences later in life.

PSHE Implementation

How does the curriculum overview allow all children to achieve?
• The PSHE curriculum at St. Peter’s RC Primary School is taught according to the guidelines set by the PSHE Association and has 3 main strands; health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world.
• PSHE education is taught according to the children’s development, level of readiness and need. The teaching of PSHE also takes into account the children’s prior learning and experiences to drive the appropriate next steps for all children to make meaningful progress.
• Teaching and learning styles are flexible, and place emphasis on participation from all children. The activities ensure that all children can access the learning, with appropriate support from adults where needed.
• The RSE curriculum is implemented through 3 modules; created and loved by God, created to love others to live in community (more information can be found on our RSHE page).
How is prior knowledge revisited?
• The three core themes of PSHE education have broad overlap and flexibility between them. This ensures that the themes are not restrictive, and can be used to support concepts across a range of themes. Children have opportunities to revisit and embed key knowledge and skills from previous units and apply these skills to new units.
• PSHE education is integral to daily school life. Teaching staff at St. Peter’s RC Primary clearly model how to use skills learned in PSHE lessons to solve real life situations, and reinforce learning in a practical way.
How is cultural capital developed through the curriculum?
• The PSHE curriculum includes opportunities to model British Values, and enhance the children’s Spiritual, Moral, Social Cultural (SMSC) development, which prepares them to be informed, active and responsible citizens.
• Children will develop an understanding of the wider world which will prepare them for future success. Themes across the PSHE curriculum at St. Peter’s RC Primary include managing money, promoting a range of careers, the importance of following rules and healthy relationships.

PSHE Impact

• Children at St. Peter’s RC Primary School have a range of skills and knowledge that meets the requirements set out by the PSHE Association, these skills are taught discretely and through every day school life.
• Children will be mature individuals who are given the skills to manage their emotions and maintain good mental health.
• Children will have the knowledge and skills to engage in a wide range of sporting opportunities, which impact positively on their physical health. Children can socialize with others, expressing their viewpoint clearly and succinctly; they are socially mobile.
• High aspirations are impacted onto the children, and they are aware of opportunities which will support their future successes. They are aware of the economic climate around them, and have an understanding of managing money.
• SEND and Disadvantaged children feel valued and included, and have high aspirations. Inclusion is embedded in our practise and teachers regularly review and reflect upon their own practice to ensure progress is made. Teaching is adapted and responds to the strengths and needs of all learners.
• Children will leave St. Peter’s RC Primary as well-rounded individuals who are equipped with the relevant skills to succeed in later life.

Useful Document

Learning Overview
PSHE Overview


Progression of skills documents


Lower KS2

Upper KS2






Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education. Every child in St. Peter's RC Primary School is taught high-quality PSHE.
Our PSHE education programme is planned to equip pupils with a sound understanding of risk and with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions. However, we tailor our lessons to reflect the needs of our pupils, 
We use PSHE education to build, where appropriate, on the statutory content already outlined in the national curriculum, the basic school curriculum and in statutory guidance on: drug education, financial education, sex and relationship education (SRE) and the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle.
Relationships and sex education:
Relationships and sex education (RSE) is an important part of PSHE education. Relationships education is compulsory for all primary school pupils. See our RSHE curriculum page for more information on this.

PSHE Statement of Intent

In line with the 2020 statutory guidance for PSHE education, our aim is to provide a high-quality PSHE programme, which equips our pupils with the knowledge, understanding, skills and strategies required to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. Our curriculum intends to develop the whole child through carefully planned and resourced lessons that foster pupils’ knowledge and skills necessary to grow personally and socially, to protect and enhance their wellbeing, to stay safe and healthy, build and maintain successful relationships and become active citizens, who are able to responsibly contribute to our diverse society.
• We intend to build and implement a PSHE curriculum at St. Peter’s Primary School which is broad, balanced and includes appropriate and relevant subject knowledge for the child. The PSHE curriculum is driven by the three main strands as directed by the PSHE Association; health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world.
• PSHE is taught in every year group and within every class. Teachers recognise that PSHE education is embedded both in discrete PSHE and RSE lessons, and is also an integral part of daily school life.
• Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) must be taught as a statutory subject (National Curriculum, 2014), and will be led by the teachings of the Diocese and delivered through the ‘Ten Ten: Life to the Full’ scheme of work.
• The PSHE subject leader has designed a spiral curriculum whereby key concepts and skills are revisited to achieve new objectives set. Children are encouraged to make links between knowledge learned in the previous academic year and newly acquired learning. Objectives are taught sequentially and systematically, at an appropriate pace and level for every child to access.
• Children will be given the opportunities to explore a range of values, attitudes, rights and responsibilities whilst ensuring that they develop strong moral values centred around the Catholic Faith.
• Children will be given the opportunities to explore a range of values, attitudes, rights and responsibilities whilst ensuring that they develop strong more values centred around the Catholic Faith.
• Children will be supported to ensure they can recognise and manage their emotions, allowing for good mental health in addition to their individual spiritual, more, cultural and physical development.
• Throughout PSHE lessons, children will be empowered to have high aspirations, and develop confidence in their own abilities. They will be taught to understand the world around them and prepare for opportunities and experiences later in life.

PSHE Implementation

How does the curriculum overview allow all children to achieve?
• The PSHE curriculum at St. Peter’s RC Primary School is taught according to the guidelines set by the PSHE Association and has 3 main strands; health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world.
• PSHE education is taught according to the children’s development, level of readiness and need. The teaching of PSHE also takes into account the children’s prior learning and experiences to drive the appropriate next steps for all children to make meaningful progress.
• Teaching and learning styles are flexible, and place emphasis on participation from all children. The activities ensure that all children can access the learning, with appropriate support from adults where needed.
• The RSE curriculum is implemented through 3 modules; created and loved by God, created to love others to live in community (more information can be found on our RSHE page).
How is prior knowledge revisited?
• The three core themes of PSHE education have broad overlap and flexibility between them. This ensures that the themes are not restrictive, and can be used to support concepts across a range of themes. Children have opportunities to revisit and embed key knowledge and skills from previous units and apply these skills to new units.
• PSHE education is integral to daily school life. Teaching staff at St. Peter’s RC Primary clearly model how to use skills learned in PSHE lessons to solve real life situations, and reinforce learning in a practical way.
How is cultural capital developed through the curriculum?
• The PSHE curriculum includes opportunities to model British Values, and enhance the children’s Spiritual, Moral, Social Cultural (SMSC) development, which prepares them to be informed, active and responsible citizens.
• Children will develop an understanding of the wider world which will prepare them for future success. Themes across the PSHE curriculum at St. Peter’s RC Primary include managing money, promoting a range of careers, the importance of following rules and healthy relationships.

PSHE Impact

• Children at St. Peter’s RC Primary School have a range of skills and knowledge that meets the requirements set out by the PSHE Association, these skills are taught discretely and through every day school life.
• Children will be mature individuals who are given the skills to manage their emotions and maintain good mental health.
• Children will have the knowledge and skills to engage in a wide range of sporting opportunities, which impact positively on their physical health. Children can socialize with others, expressing their viewpoint clearly and succinctly; they are socially mobile.
• High aspirations are impacted onto the children, and they are aware of opportunities which will support their future successes. They are aware of the economic climate around them, and have an understanding of managing money.
• SEND and Disadvantaged children feel valued and included, and have high aspirations. Inclusion is embedded in our practise and teachers regularly review and reflect upon their own practice to ensure progress is made. Teaching is adapted and responds to the strengths and needs of all learners.
• Children will leave St. Peter’s RC Primary as well-rounded individuals who are equipped with the relevant skills to succeed in later life.

Useful Document

Learning Overview
PSHE Overview


Progression of skills documents


Lower KS2

Upper KS2


