
Friends Of  

St Peter's


We are the PTA fundraising committee run by parents/carers and teachers of the children at the school.  We actively support the school by raising money to provide extra's within the school environment for the benefit of ALL the children in the school, enhancing their educational experience. 

Chair - Joanna Williams

Secretary - Lizzie Riley-Haworth

Treasurer - Garry Watson

For our Meeting Minutes and Accounts please click here.

Welcome to the Friend's of St. Peter's (FOSP)


The Friend’s of St. Peter’s are a group of parents and staff who are dedicated to help raise funds for the benefit of all the children at St. Peter's school.  The funds which we raise go directly towards enhancing and enriching the lives of the children in school, often providing items and events which may otherwise be beyond the normal school budget.  

Most recently, the funds have been used to buy the amazing new climbing frame that was installed over the summer.  We have also used funds to create the fantastic outdoor learning classroom in our woodland area including a giant storytelling chair, a wooden shelter, a sunken fire pit and a climbing net and rope swing. 

In previous years funds have also provided funds for the building of the Prayer Hut as well as the purchase of new books and soft furnishings for the school library located in the fabulous summer house building.

The FOSP Committee meets around twice a term, and helps to provide closer links between home and school.  It is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially for the benefit of all St. Peter's children.  We enjoy organising and helping out at the events that we plan throughout the school year.  Past events we have run include Coffee Mornings/Afternoons, Pyjama Parties, Fashion Show, the Spooktacular Disco, St. Patrick’s Disco and Summer Fair. 


Role of the Committee 

All parents of St. Peter's children are automatically members of FOSP, and all parents, carers and friends are very welcome to attend the meetings in school.  The Committee meets to plan fundraising activities and events throughout the year.  We take minutes at the meetings and these can be found here


How do we raise money? 

As a registered charity, our fundraising is through events that we run throughout the year.  We have also used children’s art work in school to make gifts such as tea towels, Christmas cards, school calendars and framed paintings. These are sold to parents/carers and other family members or friends to generate funds.  We are always open to new ideas for fundraising; why not come along to a meeting and share your ideas!


All our events aim to be relaxed and fun for all involved, and strive to not only raise funds but to provide closer links between home and school, and bring together staff and parents socially for the benefit of all St. Peter's children.  We provide a mix of events to cater for the whole family, parents only or children only.  We also run The Bee Lucky Club – for just a small investment of £4 per month, you are in with a chance of winning a £50 prize. Click here for details


You can see we have many exciting events to offer and these incorporate the ideas of the parents and the requests of the children.   It’s great to see the children and families enjoying these events and the equipment/materials we have funded. 


How do we spend the money that is raised? 

Following an event, the value of the takings for the event are always published on the weekly newsletter. The decision on how to spend the money is agreed collaboratively between school and parents at the FOSP meetings. 

Usually, there is a ‘wish list’ of items that the school would like FOSP to consider funding. This is generally for resources to improve a particular area of the curriculum or school environment. The FOSP funds are spent on the ‘extras’ that are not provided by the school budget, thus making our children’s learning experiences so much more fulfilling and exciting.


How can you get involved? 

There are lots of ways you can help to benefit all the children in the school through FOSP, either on a regular or ad hoc basis.  These include:


·         Attending meetings

·         Helping to set up for an event

·         Help during or after an event

·         Help to organise events

·         Shopping for events

·         Collecting and organising the float for events

·         Creating the price lists for events

·         Donating raffle prizes for events

·         Labelling prizes for tombolas

·         Sharing fundraising ideas

·         Offering your time


We really couldn’t achieve what we do without the behind the scenes help that we receive from you.  The success of our fundraising depends entirely on the support of parents and staff, and we are always grateful for any assistance.  Most importantly, we hope that you will continue to support forthcoming events this year and enjoy the time you spend at them.


Thank you for taking the time to find out more about FOSP. We would love to see you at our meetings and the dates of these are shared on the weekly newsletter and Facebook page. 


By supporting FOSP events, you support each and every child!
